Newton to be discontinued

Out of the blue, Rohit Nadhani (CEO of CloudMagic) shared the sad news that Newton will be shut down on September 25th:

It was a tough business decision. We explored various business models but couldn’t successfully figure out profitability & growth over the long term. It was hard; the market for premium consumer mail apps is not big enough, and it faces stiff competition from high quality free apps from Google, Microsoft, and Apple. We put up a hard and honest fight, but it was not enough to overcome the bundling & platform default advantages enjoyed by the large tech companies.

For me, this is really a blow. In March, I’ve bitten the bullet and subscribed to Newton as a no-bullshit, straight-forward, and mostly stable1 e-mail client that delivered a significantly sized subset of my requirements towards an e-mail client.

And I liked it. It is (or soon will have been) the best e-mail client on iOS that I ever used.

I was hoping that the user base of (according to CloudMagic) 40000 subscribers was giving the developers a solid financial basis for working on the app going forward. But it’s not going to happen.

It’s sad to see this app disappear.

  1. The fact that this needs to be emphasized says everything about the state of iOS e-mail clients. 